Permanent Diaconate Program

Permanent Diaconate Program

Permanent Diaconate Program

The Diaconate Program Endowment Fund will provide support to the Diocese of El Paso for the continuing spiritual and academic formation of permanent deacons. Deacons participate actively in the liturgy as they baptize, witness marriages, preach, expose the Blessed Sacrament, and assist priests in the celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass.

2 Donors
Current Value
$1,490 Current Value
$500,000 Goal
About This Fund

The Permanent Diaconate Program in the Diocese of El Paso was originally established by Bishop Sidney M. Metzger in 1973 and then reconstituted in January 2004 by Bishop Armando X. Ochoa. Formation for the permanent diaconate is a four-year program. It includes a year of discernment and three years of candidacy consisting of formation seminars, academic courses, annual retreats, and parish assignments. This fund provides support to the Diocese of El Paso for the continuing spiritual and academic formation of permanent deacons.

In the Catholic Church, the diaconate is the first of three ranks in ordained ministry. Deacons preparing for the priesthood are transitional deacons. Those not planning to be ordained priests are called permanent deacons. Through their diaconate ministry, they preach the word of God during Mass and other liturgical celebrations, preparing couples for marriage, and even witnessing the sacrament of matrimony, as well as preparing parents and sponsors for the baptism of their children and performing the sacrament of baptism.

Other Ways to Give

In addition to online donations, there are a variety of ways you can donate to support this fund.

Phone or Mail:

Call (915) 872-8412 Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM MT to donate the phone. Or you can download this form and mail it to the PO Box listed at the bottom.

Monthly Giving:

As little as $20 (66 cents a day) can make a difference for the people helped by the parishes, schools, ministries, and charities in the Diocese of El Paso. Set up a monthly donation.

Planning Giving:

Creating a bequest in your will for the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso is a powerful statement in your legacy and costs you nothing today. Learn about planned giving.

Establish a Named Fund:

Donors may create a Named Fund benefiting the endowed fund of their choice with a gift or pledge of $10,000 or more over five years. If you’re interested in creating a legacy in honor or memory of a loved one, find out more or call (915) 872-8412.