8 Ideas for Holy Week with Your Family
8 Ideas for Holy Week with Your Family

The Catholic Foundation wishes you a blessed and Happy Easter of Resurrection with your family and friends!

Here are 8 easy ideas to continue the celebration at home after attending Holy Week services at your nearest parish. Share the faith together as a family this Holy Week.

“A family’s living space could turn into a domestic church, a setting for the Eucharist, the presence of Christ seated at its table.” – Pope Francis on Amoris Laetitia 15.

Holy Thursday

  • Bake Bread. Easiest way to remember the Eucharist, plus fresh bread smells like heaven.

  • Wash feet. Pull out a kitchen bowl, fill with warm water, grab towels and wash the feet of your family members. Let this simple act remind you how Love transforms.

** Good Friday**

  • Pick up your cross. Whatever chore you hate, try to do it with love and without complaining. Take up a cross while you remember the greatest one and the heavy crosses carried by so many suffering around the world.

  • Stay quiet. Try turning off your phone/music/screens for a few hours from 12-3 pm (the hours when Jesus hung on the cross). Remember that silence is God’s language.

Holy Saturday

  • Read stories. The Easter Vigil is filled with scripture. Fill the day with your favorite stories. Take turns reading with your spouse, your kids, or a friend.

  • Remember to pray Saturday is a day of emptiness, waiting and grief. Pray for those who are grieving or mourning, even with tomorrow’s celebration on the horizon. Don’t forget those who will be baptized on Easter.

Easter Sunday** **

  • Feast on food. Sugar for breakfast and candy for lunch! Let yourself celebrate and enjoy every bite! Share whatever food or funds you can with those who are hungry right now.

  • Feast with others. Drink up some small beauty of life right now however imperfect it may be. Let yourself behold the people you love. Try to see them through God’s eyes, even for 10 seconds. You’ll be amazed at what you find when you gaze with grace.

For more information about living a Stewardship life, contact Stewardship Coordinator Karina Sandoval Enriquez at ksandoval@catholicfoundationelpaso.org or (915) 872-8412. ** **

(Ideas provided by Laura Kelly Fanucci @thismessygrace)