Announcing the 2019 Steward of the Year Finalists
Announcing the 2019 Steward of the Year Finalists

Estefania Gonzales
Estefania Gonzales is one of the few living founders of Mt. Cristy Rey Parish , instrumental in the building of the church from 1970-1973. At the age of 81, she continues today as the president of the Mt. Cristo Rey Parish Altar Society, serving continuously since the church was built over 48 years ago. For over 40 years, Mrs. Gonzales has dedicated her service to also unlock the church doors every Sunday morning at 6:00 am and jokes about beating the church administrator to open the doors to the faithful.

Humberto Macias
Humberto Macias helps Santa Teresa Church in Ft. Hancock in every way imaginable. Whether it’s patching and painting walls, uncovering frayed electrical wires, traveling to El Paso to search out and collect donated used pipes and setting them up, or closing up the streets, hauling large trash containers, stretching out tarps for shade, cooking hamburgers and taquitos for Santa Teresita’s Annual Fiesta, Humberto is always there. He prepares the air conditioners for summer and heaters for winter and regularly coordinates help for the needy to fix ceilings, find clothing, food and blankets. He is a man of great compassion and wholly dedicated to serving others.

Omar Ontiveros
Omar Ontiveros and his wife, Ana, have four beautiful children and are all involved in ministries at San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado Mission. Omar is an engineer and Ana is an elementary school teacher. Omar who works from home, is more visible during the week. He frequently brings the youngest children to daily Mass and is engaged with them in teaching them how to behave, but most importantly to pay attention to what is happening during Mass. Fr. Saul Pacheco asked Omar if he would be able to build crosses for the Way of the Cross on Good Friday and he immediately said yes and involved the whole family. His oldest son, Santiago, built a cross on his own while his parents were in a meeting and donated it to the mission. It now sits in the parish garden. Father is convinced that he learned this from Omar’s example.

Estefania, Humberto, and Omar were selected as the top three finalists of this year’s contest and the next phase is for Bishop Mark Seitz to select the 2019 Steward of the Year. The Foundation will announce the winner in August. In the meantime, let’s reflect on the lives of Estefania, Humberto, Omar, and ask God what he would like us to learn from the finalists as well as discern what are our gifts and talents are so we can better serve the Church and the world.

_ Reflection

1. What do I consider to be my gifts and talents to serve the Church and the world?
2. Using these gifts and talents, how do I make a difference in the Church and our world? **
**3. If I were the Steward of the Year 2019, what would I like to inspire in others?

The Church and the world needs your service through your gifts and talents. As St. Catherine of Siena said, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

For more information on a life of Stewardship, please contact Stewardship Coordinator Karina Sandoval at 915-872-8412 or

Photo Credit: Fernie Ceniceros