Cathedral High School Alumni Association is on a Mission
Cathedral High School Alumni Association is on a Mission

The brotherhood of Cathedral High School alumni has always existed in some form or another, beginning with the first graduating class in 1927, but it was the formation of a brotherhood of Cathedral alumni in 1997 called the Cathedral Alumni and Associates Los Que Van Quedando (LQVQ) that was the precursor for the Cathedral High School Alumni Association.

In 1996, when Cathedral High School alumnus Danny Gutierrez, known as Mr. Cathedral, was on his deathbed and surrounded by 6 of his 1958 classmates, he whispered to them, “Cuiden a los que van quedando or “Take care of the ones who are left.” A driving force for bringing people together and promoting Cathedral events, Danny’s words inspired the men to formalize an alumni group. Eventually, it emerged into a non-profit, tax exempt corporation involved in charitable, educational, and religious and fund raising activities.

This Cathedral High School Alumni Association, open to all Cathedral men, works tirelessly to ensure funding for young men to attend Cathedral by putting on the Irish Open golf tournament, Tamalada, and the Cathedral Alumni Association/LQVQ and 19th Rifle Company USMCR Foundation Raffle. Proceeds from these events and annual distributions from the Cathedral High School Alumni Association Fund support financial aid, scholarships, and special needs of Cathedral High School. The very first gift from the alumni association for scholarships was in 1997 in the amount of $1,000. To date, the Cathedral High School Alumni Association has provided close to half a million dollars in scholarships. The Cathedral Alumni Association meets on the first Saturday of every month at Cathedral High School.

In December, 2007 LQVQ, now the Cathedral High School Alumni Association, created the Cathedral High School Alumni Association Fund in the Foundation’s Catholic Legacy Fund for scholarships for Cathedral High School. With an initial gift of $25,000, they set a goal of raising $1 million for the permanent endowed fund. Today, the fund is 25% towards the goal and the team of alumni and friends is ready to cross the finish line with your help.
Become a Friend of the Foundation with a recurring monthly gift to the Cathedral High School Alumni Association Fund and cancel any time. Can your employer provide a match? Let us know and we can help. The Foundation’s TAX ID number is 74-2983483. 1,000 x $1,000 = $1 million. Be a part of hitting this goal out of the park!