Catholic Foundation 2022 Progress Catholic Ministry Appeal Kick-Off Announced
Catholic Foundation 2022 Progress Catholic Ministry Appeal Kick-Off Announced

The Catholic Foundation will launch the 2022 Catholic Ministry Appeal on Wednesday, March 16. Progress, the Catholic Ministry Appeal provides everyone with an opportunity to invest in the works of diocesan ministries, putting faith into action.

Progress supports 15 ministries in 10 counties. The success of these ministries is only possible with your continued support and generous sacrificial donations.

The Diocese of El Paso invites 10,000 donors to help raise $1.9 Million. Funding raised through the Catholic Ministry Appeal represents nearly 40% of all operating funds supporting the pastoral, spiritual, educational, and human service programs that benefit thousands of individuals throughout the ten counties of the Diocese of El Paso.

When you make your donation, you do something significant for seminarians, religious formation and diaconate programs, Catholic Campus Ministry, and vocations, to name a few. Even a small gift can have a significant impact.

As we give generously of our own gifts and witness what God does with our gifts, we discover the reward of being part of something much bigger than ourselves. “For if the eagerness is there, it is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.” — 2 Cor. 8:12

This year’s campaign theme is Growing in Faith, Giving in Love. Various parishes across the diocese will participate in the 2022 Catholic Ministry Appeal Progress weekends on March 26 & 27, and April 2 & 3. Others will conclude their efforts on June 4 & 5.

Through your continued sacrificial giving and continued generosity, the Catholic Ministry Appeal makes some of the vital work of the Church possible. We invite you to participate in the Catholic Ministry Appeal both through a commitment to prayer and a Progress gift!