Catholic Ministry Appeal Spotlight: Vocations Office
Catholic Ministry Appeal Spotlight: Vocations Office

The Diocesan Vocations Ministry values all vocations. God makes the universal call to a life of holiness and service to all the baptized: single, married, ordained, and consecrated. Extraordinarily, the Vocations Ministry provides resources and discernment opportunities that promote and cultivate vocations to ordained and consecrated life.

Whatever the state of life God calls you to, there is a commitment to build up society in a way that reflects the love of God. Each person is believed to have been created with specific talents and gifts that orient us toward a particular way of life.

In the catholic church, it is stated in the catechism that love is innate and the fundamental vocation every human being has. God created everything for man, but man in turn was created to serve and love God and to offer all creation back to Him.

While the ultimate work that God has called each of us to do is to build His kingdom, He is also calling us to bring value to humanity. Whatever you discern to do, always ask God to give you grace so that all your work brings glory and thanksgiving to Him.

“National Vocation Awareness Week will be celebrated in our country November 5-11, 2023. Please pray to Our Lord for more dedicated, holy priests, deacons, and consecrated men and women. That they may be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported by our faith community, and respond generously to God’s gift of vocation.” - USCCB

Through your prayers and support of the Catholic Ministry Appeal, you support ministries that help young men and women answer God’s call to a holy vocation. Your gifts help make the essential works of our Vocations Ministry possible. For more information or to donate, please contact Tina Edwards-Milam, Annual Appeal Director, at 915-872-8412, or today.