Coming Together In New Ways
Coming Together In New Ways

Life is hard right now. We are all dealing with the collective loss of the world we knew. We feel both isolated and more strongly connected than ever. We’re losing our jobs, our childcare, our ability to celebrate our faith in community and commemorate life’s milestones. In some cases, we’re losing our lives. Thank you so much for being a part of our extended family. During these uncertain times, there is one thing that hasn’t and won’t change: our commitment to improving the lives of people in the Diocese of El Paso.

In an effort to assist parishes who are ministering during this unprecedented period, the Catholic Foundation set up online giving for parish Sunday collections called My Sunday Parish Offertory beginning on March 19, 2020. We only ask that you contribute if you’re able to do so. 100% of your contributions will go to provide support to churches in the Diocese of El Paso. We extend our heartfelt thanks and deepest gratitude for your commitment to the Catholic community.

Your unwavering generosity, especially during this difficult time, is an inspiration. Thank you for your continued support. We wish you a blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter.