Consider Gifts in Lieu of Flowers and for Special Occasions
Consider Gifts in Lieu of Flowers and for Special Occasions

The Foundation has an easy way for parishioners to recognize family and loved ones in times of sorrow and joy. Parishioners may contribute to endowed funds in lieu of flowers to memorialize and to honor or recognize special occasions like weddings, baptisms, First Holy Communions, quinceañeras, and graduations.

When you make a donation include a note saying whom it memorializes. Also add it on the notation line of the check or online donation form itself: “In memory of…” or “In honor of…” Include your address, as well, so we can alert the family as to where to send an acknowledgement.

If you want to be sure that the family knows of your contribution, it’s fine to mention it in person or in your sympathy or congratulatory note: “We’ve remembered Maria with a contribution to The Catholic Foundation.”

Tax-deductible contributions can be made to the Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso and designated for the parish, school or ministry fund of the donor’s choice.

The Foundation will send an acknowledgement of your donation to the family or loved one being honored or memorialized. It’s a wonderful and meaningful gift anytime.

For more information about giving, contact Major Gifts Officer Sofía Larkin at at the Foundation at (915) 872-8412.