COVID-19 Update: The Catholic Foundation Continues its Vital Work with Your Support!
COVID-19 Update: The Catholic Foundation Continues its Vital Work with Your Support!

With news and government restrictions about the COVID-19 pandemic changing on a daily basis, I want to assure our donors and partners that the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso is here for you during this extraordinary time and going strong.

While our staff continues working a hybrid remote work schedule to maintain their safety, the Catholic Foundation remains committed to its mission of assisting generous donors in providing for the needs of our beloved ministries, parishes and schools. We can always be reached by phone and email and you can find up to date news and inspiration on our website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Now more than ever, our Catholic community needs us through prayer and support and it counts on you.

To meet the increasing needs in our Diocese, our work will not be interrupted. We will continue to provide services to support parish offertory and source grant funding for our parishes, schools and ministries. The Progress Catholic Ministry Appeal and our Catholic Legacy Fund efforts will continue and we encourage donors who wish to make a gift to do so online, mail your gift to P.O. Box 17993, El Paso, Texas 79917 or call our office at (915) 872-8412 for other ways to support. We look forward to sharing exciting updates on future events and highlighting the incredible work of those committed to serving God’s church through Stewardship.

Thank you for all you do for the Catholic community in the Diocese of El Paso. Our prayers are with all of you as we navigate through these challenging weeks. We will move through this together, with the confidence that the Lord will keep watch over each of us and replace our worries with His peace. “I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” — John 16:33

Yours in Christ, Linda Caro, Chief Operating Officer