Meet the Saint John of God Nominees
Meet the Saint John of God Nominees

Meet the Saint John of God 2022 Steward of the Year contest.

John of God is the patron saint of the sick, nurses and hospitals. This category recognizes urgent service to the sick, especially to those suffering from mental illness.

Guadalupe Karnes, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Minister

“Guadalupe fue una servidora muy activa en la pandemia, organizaba ventas de garaje para el sustento de la parroquia, comenzó el rosario por Facebook, tenemos mucha gente rezando hasta la fecha, visita enfermos, al igual que nos ayuda llevando consuelo a los dolientes.” — Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Staff

Melissa Hernández Muñoz, All Saints Eucharistic Minister

“I was present with Melissa when she was called and asked to assist a patient who was dying. Melissa had prior commitments already but she cancelled her commitments to tend to a dying patient who would not make it into the following morning. Melissa was present at that patient’s bedside praying the rosary with the patient and family, later that evening Melissa received a phone call that the patient had passed away peacefully and to tell her thank you.” — All Saints Parish Staff

Omar Corral, Corpus Christi Parish Minister

“When disabled persons arrive for Sunday services, they depend on Omar to help them out of their vehicles, helps them into their wheel chair and takes them into church for Mass, when Mass is over, he helps them back to their cars, he also helps the parish security to make sure all is well.” — Corpus Christi Parish Staff