Meet the Saint Juan Diego Nominees
Meet the Saint Juan Diego Nominees

Meet the Saint Juan Diego 2022 Steward of the Year contest.

Juan Diego is Our Lady’s messenger of hope. This category recognizes the service of communication and evangelization.

Mike and Erika Mancera, El Buen Pastor Parish Ministers

“Mike and Erika Mancera are very involved and supportive of El Buen Pastor mission, in march of this year there was a strong gust of winds that loosen an eighteen feet sheet metal Cristo Rey statue at the church, Deacon was concerned that the strong winds would knock the statue down. Deacon contacted Mike and within minutes Mike and his sons arrived and struggling with the strong dust storm were able to secure the statue.” — El Buen Pastor Parish Staff

Margarita Carrillo, Blessed Sacrament Parish Minister

“Ms. Margarita Carrillo is a 77-year old woman who was born with a flame, a fire for God, I’ve met mature adults still keeping active and greatly contributing to their communities, but she takes the cake! Ms. Margarita started working in the church as a volunteer from when she was 25 years of age, and has served in the kitchen since 2000 and has received refugees in the parish.” — Rev. John Paul Madanu, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament

Armida Rodriguez, St. Luke Evangelization Minister

“Armida was able to continue organizing the ministry of evangelization during all the years of the pandemic, it was a colossal effort during this time of trial, many retreats were organized on-line and the training of future evangelizers, one of the stories was that not everyone was able to connect via Zoom and Armida would train each of the presenters how to use the system.” — Deacon Guillermo Jiron, St. Luke Parish

Gloria Ibarra, Cristo Rey Parish Minister

“This nominee has been working at the parish in several different ministries, especially for children, youth and in adult catechesis. She also participates in other activities such as volunteering to prepare meals for refugees. She is a leader when it comes to organizing parishioners and manifests her willingness to serve, respect others, and demonstrate generosity. She is tireless in her service to the parish which expresses her character, faith, and love for our Lord while doing everything selflessly.” — Rev. Jose Vera-Perez, Pastor

James Myers†, Queen of Peace Parish Minister

“Most of all, Jim gave hope and comfort to those in nursing homes and those who were ill by taking the Eucharist and praying with them, up to five weeks before his death, at the age of 95, he gave the Eucharist to thirty-two individuals daily. Jim had patience and with detail and love gave his time as a great teacher to all, on one occasion, we did not have a priest or deacon and Jim gave a very inspiring homily at the Liturgy service, we didn’t know Jim could do that.” — Rev. Allan Alaka, Pastor, Queen of Peace

**Mary Scott, ** All Saints Lector and Choir Member

“Mary has such a calming and gentle voice, I came across Mary being a lector at mass one day and I was “ah”, Mary brings the readings to life, she has a way of reading that places you in that particular moment in time, her facial expressions speak for her, she is full of light.” — All Saints Parish Staff

Patricia Fernandez, Our Lady of the Valley Associate Director of Religious Education

“When Fr. Don passed away, she worked very closely with me in handling the vigil and the video of Mass, she made sure refreshments were provided and worked with me for about 10 hours on Friday and several hours on Saturday, this is very typical of her dedication to her service in ministry at Our Lady of the Valley.” — Deacon Ray Niblett, Parish Administrator, Our Lady of the Valley