Meet the Saint Toribio Romo Nominees
Meet the Saint Toribio Romo Nominees

Meet the Saint Toribio Romo nominees for the 2022 Steward of the Year contest.

Toibio Romo is the patron saint of Mexican migrants and border crossers. This category recognizes service to refugees and immigrants

Julia Regalbato, Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services Volunteer

“What typically captures Julia’s character is not any one story in particular, but the consistency and dedication of her service. Julia comes to the office every day, without a lot of fanfare, she is cheerful bright and cares deeply about the immigrants that she serves, all without calling a lot of attention to herself.” — Catherine A. Hudak, DMRS, Director of Development

Marco Raposo, Peace and Justice Ministry Director, Diocese of El Paso

“Marco runs and operates the Pastoral Center Refugee Shelter, he is often seen cooking, cleaning or doing whatever is needed to make our guests feel welcomed, this past year we have had trouble getting volunteers to help at the shelter, and Marco has become a one man show, he cooks, cleans, sorts, drives and makes calls, all to help our guests.” — Patricia López Rueda, Chancellor, Diocese of El Paso

Andrés López, Cathedral High School Campus Minister

“Andres López is passionate about working with different organizations to assist with the immigration reform. He coordinates the “El Otro Lado” program for Cathedral High School. Andres guides visiting schools through the program and trains Cathedral students to assist with the program, Andres also volunteers with Hope Border Institute.” — Amanda Estrada, Assistant Principal, Cathedral High School