Progress Ministry Spotlight: Marriage and Family Life
Progress Ministry Spotlight: Marriage and Family Life

Nowadays, due to many closures, families have the opportunity to engage in a myriad of ways. If you are out of ideas on how to better relate with your spouse, children, and loved ones or whatever your family situation may be, remember there is grace to find in your day-to-day relationships. We hope you continue to create beautiful family moments and we pray your bonds will be strengthened. Here are some spiritual, practical and relational ways to keep walking together.

  • Pray the rosary together. Ask in every Hail Mary for your loved ones to be safe.
  • Meditate on the daily scriptures together. Due to COVID-19 you can now access free daily readings and Lectio Divina.
  • Four simple steps to pray with your spouse. Find time to pray together.
  • Write a mission statement for your family and make it visible in your house.
  • Do something creative as a family: Cook together, do a puzzle, get creative with craft supplies, bake a pizza, or set up Zoom or other virtual meetings with your loved ones, especially with the ones who are lonely during these times.

“In family life, we need to cultivate the strength of love which can help us fight every evil threatening it. Love does not yield to resentment, scorn for others or the desire to hurt or to gain some advantage.” — Pope Francis

To support the Marriage and Family Life Ministry means that you will bring the necessary resources for families to love one another, especially in moments of crisis. The Marriage and Family Life Ministry receives contributions through the 2020 Catholic Ministry Appeal. Donate today! Thank you for helping so we can continue with this diocesan mission.