St. Matthew Catholic Parish Gets a New Church
St. Matthew Catholic Parish Gets a New Church

Parishioners at St. Matthew Catholic Parish will finally enjoy the beautiful new 21,426 square foot church. “Our long-awaited dream is about to come true,” Reverend Monsignor David Fierro said on the St. Matthew Catholic Parish website earlier in the week.

St. Matthew Church started as a mission of St. Patrick Cathedral when religious formation classes began to be held in the Upper Valley home of a parishioner in the early 1950’s. A church was built on Emory Road and St. Matthew was elevated to a parish in 1955.

The blessing of the new church at St. Matthew Catholic Parish on Sunset Road was held during the Saturday evening Mass on January 14, 2017. Most Reverend Mark J. Seitz, Bishop of El Paso, along with Reverend Monsignor David Fierro, pastor of St. Matthew Parish, Reverend Father John Paul Madanu, parochial vicar, several local clergy, many parishioners and guests were in attendance.

The Mass began with a procession from the old church to the front door of the new church where a plaque at the entrance reads, “In gratitude to all parishioners, workers, and benefactors.” Bishop Seitz blessed the baptismal font and proceeded to bless the rest of the church. In his homily he likened the blessing of the new church to a baptism. Following the homily, he consecrated the altar and the interior walls with sacred Chrism, which is the oil used for baptism and ordination of bishops and priests. The blessing concluded with the inauguration of the new Blessed Sacrament Chapel behind the altar. A reception was held following the celebration.

Congratulations to Reverend Monsignor David Fierro and the St. Matthew community!